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Wrath of Logarius Bend Black Metal on "Of the Void"

Jason Hesley

Much like their Bloodborne namesake, Wrath of Logarius are impossible to predict. But no matter what skeletal form they assume, their upcoming debut album, Crown of Mortis, pronounces them as the unflinching kings of black metal's formless new realm.

Watch the mind-melding playthrough for new single "Of the Void".

Crown of Mortis comes out April 4 on Season of Mist.

Pre-order & Pre-save

Can't wait to hear Crown of Mortis? RSVP for Wrath of Logarius' upcoming Bandcamp Listening Party and hear their debut album two weeks before it comes out.

Wrath of Logarius Crown of Mortis Bandcamp Listening Party

March 12 @ 7 pm Pacific Time


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