"Night of the Horrid" is the ninth album by REVOLTING, fronted by Rogga Johansson. Formed in 2007 by Revolting Rogga and Billy of Razorback Records, the band has since solidified its place in the death metal scene. Their early work included Dreadful Pleasures (2009) and The Terror Threshold (2010), both released through Razorback Records. With Grotesque Tobias on bass and Mutated Martin on drums, the band progressed to FDA Records, where they released the critically acclaimed In Grisly Rapture (2011), Hymns of Ghastly Horror (2012), and Visages of the Unspeakable (2015), delivering catchy and rotten death metal with a fun twist. In 2018, they released Monolith of Madness under the same label, before briefly joining Transcending Obscurity for Shadow at the World’s End in 2020. More recently, Born to Be Dead (2022) marked their collaboration with Xtreem Music, which will also release their new offering, Night of the Horrid.
Known for delivering straightforward death metal with a melodic edge, the band has consistently catered to fans of the genre.
Night of the Horrid, the upcoming album by Swedish death metal band REVOLTING, is set to be released on December 17 via Xtreem Music.