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  • Jason Hesley

Recently Vacated Graves to Release Title: Musk of Death on Oct. 25th!

Get ready for a nightmare of apocalyptic proportions! Musk of Death tells a terrifying tale of a billionaire whose dangerous experiments lead to the unearthing of ancient graves, releasing a zombie plague that consumes not just the living, but machines and even entire planets. The infected overrun Earth and beyond, with flesh, metal, and rot colliding in a cosmic struggle for survival.

Formed in 2002, RECENTLY VACATED GRAVES: TRUE ZOMBIE METAL rose from the grave with one singular mission: to devour your brains! Drawing inspiration from iconic zombie films, RVG's unique fusion of blackened thrash, death, and doom—dubbed “zombie metal”—has been a blood-soaked force since their debut album True Zombie Metal (2004). Their relentless onslaught continued with various releases, including their infamous "concept EPs" and gory live tours. From the eerie, wordless EP Consumed by Death (2012), to the Civil War-era zombie carnage in Antietam 1862 (2012), and the WWI undead supersoldiers in Legions of Decay (2014), RVG has consistently unearthed fresh corpses to feast upon. In 2020, they unleashed Devoured in Decay, pushing their grotesque sound to new extremes, including tributes to the undead horror classic Day of the Dead and the zombie horde anthem “Hhrrrdd.” RVG serves as the ultimate soundtrack to the apocalypse, leaving devastation in their wake.

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