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  • Jason Hesley

Prog/Power band ILLUSORY, 5th single entitled “A Poem I Couldn't Rhyme”

Prog/Power band ILLUSORY, 5th single entitled “A Poem I Couldn't Rhyme” from the album "Crimson Wreath", out now via Rockshots Records

What is the worst nightmare you ever had?

The following can be a question. Or is it the affirmative rhyme?

An incubus crouched on your chest. A darkened horse. A

sweating canvas portraying disharmony within perfect silence.

A war raging inside a dream.

ILLUSORY’s fifth video is being unwrapped around “A Poem I

Couldn’t Rhyme”. Taken off the band’s third album, “Crimson

Wreath”, released on May 21 via Rockshots Records, this is a

reminder of a motif painted with the brightest colors, yet

surrounded by a halo of Erebus.

“Taking a look inside me, I only see a glimpse of my youth

Seeking a place to hide me, I need to stay away from the truth”

Heaving riffing, mid tempo endoskeleton, speed variations and

climaxes, intriguing orchestration. Much like Henry Fuseli’s

painting “The Nightmare”, this storyboard is all about the

subject that’s waking up whilst the bad dream has just begun.

ILLUSORY’s illusions are taking over.

Lyric Video by Manos Fatsis

Artwork by Panagiotis "Hammer" Sfiris

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