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Jason Hesley

Out Now! UK Blackened Doom TIGGUO COBAUC Re-Release "Fountains of Anguish"

First unleashed in Europe this past April, UK-blackened doom duo Tigguo Cobauc's latest album "Fountains of Anguish" is now unleashed in North and South America via Exitus Stratagem Records and is available digitally and on CD as of December 20th, 2024, with Vinyl to be released at a later date.

Following their 2022 debut "Trial by Combat", their sophomore record "Fountains of Anguish" is an amalgamation of classic black metal, reinterpreted with a modern sensibility, and infused with doomy elements that evoke a sense of atmospheric weight.

Tigguo Cobauc has seamlessly integrated keyboards into their compositions, adding depth and texture to enhance the listening experience. Through this unique blend, they aspire to infuse their music with a distinctive touch of originality, creating a soundscape that resonates with the genre's traditions and contemporary influences.

"Fountains of Anguish" stands as a vivid snapshot of our artistic essence in 2023, encapsulating the intricate layers of our sound and vision. It reflects the alchemical fusion of our influences, embodying the raw emotion, complexity, and depth that characterize our current trajectory. This work crystallizes our evolution, a testament to our sonic exploration and collective spirit, serving as both a beacon and a mirror of our artistic journey at this moment. This collaboration with Exitus Stratagem Records not only amplifies our reach, but also solidifies our commitment to sharing our art with a broader audience. We are excited to embark on this journey and connect with fans who resonate with our sonic vision." adds the band.

Forged by ancient magic deep in the sandstone depths of Nottingham, UK, Tigguo Cobauc's spellbinding guitar riffs over primal rhythm are the sound of your darkest desires. The duo's birth into the constellations has been steeped in the murky depths of Death/Doom, cloaked in a sludgy resonance. They have evolved from these beginnings, transcending into realms infused with black metal's ethereal atmospheres, where shadows and intensity intertwine.

Tigguo Cobauc's "Fountains of Anguish" is recommended for fans of Celtic Frost, Bathory, and Venom.

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