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Jason Hesley

OBSIDIOUS Shares Bass Play-Through for "Iconic"

Bassist Linus Klausenitzerof modern progressive metal band OBSIDIOUS is now releasing a drum playthrough for the band's latest single, "Iconic!"The track is taken from the band’s upcoming debut album, which will be released via the label in 2022 via Season of Mist. Watch the clip at THIS LOCATION.

Klausenitzer comments: "When 'Iconic' was finished, we all felt that this track was something special. After our management, label and friends felt the same, we knew it should be the first single. Composing fretless bass over such a complex song was a challenge I enjoyed. Having our singer has also added another melody voice, which I supplement with gimmicks here and there. I like the role of the bass playing rhythm, but also using the tonal competency."

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