Italian Power Core innovators NEKOMATA unleash their next single “De Priapi Dilemma” from their forthcoming sophomore album "EUPHORIA" out on January 24th, 2025 from Rockshots Records.
Diving into darker, more intricate territory, “De Priapi Dilemma” blends Power Metal, Metalcore, and Death Metal into a relentless and cinematic masterpiece. It's a complex arrangement that the band enjoys performing live. The band explains the track:
"De Priapi Dilemma takes a critical look at the "real man" concept, exposing the hypocrisy of self-proclaimed saviors who are merely trying to sell a product. These so-called gurus exploit the insecurities of men searching for an identity that promises happiness, profiting from their vulnerabilities. This manipulation distorts what it means to be a man in today's world, creating exaggerated and often harmful stereotypes. Despite the ongoing pressure to conform to these distorted views, the song encourages embracing one's true self and rejecting the notion that who you are isn't enough."
Listen to “De Priapi Dilemma” at the following links:
Spotify -
Youtube -