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Jason Hesley

Helltern releases album “Alighieri's Visions”

Helltern is a metal band from Curitiba (Brazil), formed in 2019, in a sound that is intended for metal regardless of its classification or limitation. Proof of this is in the band's latest release, the second full album “Alighieri's Visions”, inspired by the work “Inferno”, the first part of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy!

'Alighieri's Visions' began production shortly after the release of the first album in May 2021, and the ideas for the concept of the album came from the book that the band's founder Maurício Heibel was reading at the time, “Inferno”, by author Dan Brown, and had an insight to write about Dante's nine circles of hell, but transporting it to our current reality.

Songs 01 through 09 are in order of Dante's circles of hell and the 10th is an overview of the 09 circles.

Listen to “Alighieri’s Visions” here:

The album follows 'A World Without Mercy', the band's first album. And about the difference between the albums, Maurício Heibel comments:

The main difference I think was the experience and maturity acquired, for example, fitting the lyrics and vocal lines together were much easier than on the first album, the creation of riffs and solos as well”.

The band also announces that the 2023 releases are already in the production phase, and that more information about Helltern's third album, completely different from the previous two albums, will soon be announced.

All material was mixed and mastered at Funds House Studio by Aly Fioren, with production also signed by Aly Fioren and Maurício Heibel.

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