On February 26th, Denmark’s Iotunn will release their new album, Access All Worlds, via Metal Blade Records. For a preview of the record, a video for the new single, “The Tower of Cosmic Nihility” (by Mathayad: instagram.com/mathayad), can be viewed at: youtu.be/GcZ98eS8JR0
Iotunn comments: “The widths of this song, its insistent drive and the passion and melancholy of the lyrics made us choose ‘Tower’ as one of the singles. It will surely become essential for coming shows. In collaboration with video artist Mathayad, we think we have gained new perspectives on the song and put it in a very strong visual context”.
The previously released track, “Voyage of the Garganey I”, can be heard at: metalblade.com/iotunn – where Access All Worlds can also be pre-ordered.