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  • Jason Hesley

CORROSIVE ELEMENTS will unveil their first single "Conquering the divine" tonight at 7:00.

CORROSIVE ELEMENTS, the Death Thrash band with Crossover/Punk influences, will unveil their first single "Conquering the divine", from their second album "Cut the serpent's head", tonight at 7:00 PM exclusively on the Death Metal Promotion channel.

"Cut the serpent’s head", the second album of CORROSIVE ELEMENTS is a collection of 10 powerful songs, designed for a more direct and dynamic approach, in the typical style of the band, a clever mix of Death and Thrash Metal, with tons of groove, anger and attitude.

The new album was written collectively by the band in the rehearsal room, an old fashioned method that makes the music more immediate and impactful.

With broad influences ranging from Thrash legends such as Slayer, (old) Sepultura and Exodus, Death Metal in the tradition of Entombed, Obituary, Carcass, Bolt Thrower and Napalm Death, and an addition of primitive energy derived from Hardcore Punk, The band is now ready to place this new offering on the altar of Extreme Metal.

Conceptually, "Cut the Serpent's Head" is a cynical look at the destiny ofmankind, its race towards nonsense. A warning against the hegemony of organized religions, shady politics, decaying societies and the rise of social injustice.

Stay tuned, the next few days will see more information about the artwork, release dates, formats and everything you need to know about this new album which will be produced by Crypt Of Dr.Gore and GreyveStorm Productions.

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